

  • 作者 海洋小組
  • 日期 2023.08.25
12 years survey data of Reef Check in Taiwan (2009-2020).
本文件 ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_readme.txt 提供了在『海中之森:台灣珊瑚礁體檢12年成果報告(2009-2020)』中整理分析之珊瑚礁體檢資料的收集及修整方法。本文件由台灣珊瑚礁體檢科學指導員黃靖雲於2023年4月13日建立。
This ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_readme.txt file provides the methodology of data collection and data trimming in the report “Forest in the Sea: A 12-Year Report of Reef Check in Taiwan (2009-2020)” and was generated on 2023-04-13 by the Reef Check Taiwan Team Scientist Huang, Ching-Yun.
聯絡資訊 Contact information:
社團法人台灣環境資訊協會 Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA)
No. 38, Wanlong St., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11675, Taiwan ROC
Reef Check Taiwan is a citizen science project of the Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA), developed and implemented in close collaboration with:
國際珊瑚礁體檢基金會 Reef Check Foundation
台灣珊瑚礁學會 Taiwanese Coral Reef Society
社團法人台灣海洋環境教育推廣協會 Taiwan Association for Marine Environmental Education (TAMEE)
中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica
Many other government agencies, research institutions, universities, non-governmental organizations and dive-shops provided scientific guidance, contributed data, and field support, including:
本資料集整理了台灣珊瑚礁體檢專案自2009年至2020年期間,以國際珊瑚礁體檢基金會於2006年發表經2016年修訂之珊瑚礁體檢方法(Hodgson et al., 2006),於全台各地珊瑚礁收集之生態資料。為了解台灣各地珊瑚礁在時間序列上之變化,本資料集只保留期間內至少完成三次珊瑚礁體檢之樣點資料,共計25處樣點,樣點清單及經緯度列於檔案 ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_site.csv ,歷年珊瑚礁體檢結果資料列於檔案 ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_data.csv 。
This dataset compiles ecological data collected from Taiwan Reef Check Project between 2009 and 2020. The monitoring method used was the Reef Check coral reef monitoring method, as published by the Reef Check Foundation in 2006 and revised in 2016 (Hodgson et al., 2006). In order to understand the temporal changes in coral reef ecosystems at different sites, this dataset filtered data collected from sites that were surveyed at least three times during this period and ended up with a total of 25 sites. Details about the location of these sites can be found in the file ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_site.csv, while the Reef Check data collected over the years is available in the file ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_data.csv.
本資料集使用創用CC授權條款之姓名標示-非商業性4.0國際條款 (CC BY-NC 4.0),欲了解本授權條款之使用相關規定,請前往 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
本資料集已發表於『海中之森:台灣珊瑚礁體檢12年成果報告(2009-2020)』,申請國際標準書號ISBN 978-986-84797-7-7,線上同步發表於『海中之森-台灣珊瑚礁體檢計畫』網站 https://coral.relab.cc。
This dataset is published in the report “Forest in the Sea: A 12-Year Report of Reef Check in Taiwan (2009-2020)”. The applied International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is 978-986-84797-7-7. The report is also published online via the website “Forest in the Sea: Taiwan Reef Check Project”, visit https://coral.relab.cc
If you would like to use this dataset in your study, please credit the source:
Taiwan Environmental Information Association (2022). 12 years survey data of Reef Check in Taiwan (2009-2020) [Data set]. <dataset url>
本資料集包含兩個檔案,其中 ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_site.csv 提供樣點之詳細清單及地理位置資料, ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_data.csv 則提供調查結果之數據資料。因珊瑚礁體檢旨在評估珊瑚礁生態系之健全程度,故調查穿越線需佈置於有珊瑚分布之連續礁盤,並將穿越線切分為四個子樣區分別記錄,ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_data.csv檔案所提供數據即為以子樣區為單位之紀錄資料,為避免穿越線佈置不如預期時可能出現之資料偏誤,檔案中已刪去碎石或細沙覆蓋率高於30%之子樣區記錄資料,即認定該子樣區並非珊瑚礁體檢目標之調查區域。而若該條穿越線刪去超過一個子樣區資料,即當紀錄有效之子樣區數量不足三個,因無法計算有效之平均值及標準誤,即認定該條穿越線紀錄不具有效性,將整條穿越線資料刪去不予採計。關於本資料集檔案之欄目及數據資料說明如下:
This dataset includes two files, the file ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_site.csv provides the details about location of the survey sites and the file ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_data.csv provides the reef check data over the years at these sites. The Reef Check method is utilized to assess the overall health of coral reefs. The basic design of this method involves the placement of a 100-meter transect on the depth contour with the highest coral cover, which is then divided into four subunits. This approach is reflected in the data presented in the “ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_data.csv” file. To prevent bias from data collection in the field, subunits with over 30% rubble and sand coverage were removed, as this indicates that the data was not collected from the targeted reef area. Additionally, if more than one subunit was removed from the transect, leaving less than three efficient subunits, the entire transect data was eliminated from the dataset as the average value and standard error cannot be calculated. The columns in the two files were described as follows:
This file includes 6 columns, the column name and its representatives are as follows:
Site, 樣點名稱英文, English name of survey site
Site_Mandarin, 樣點名稱中文, Mandarin name of survey site
Region, 所屬海域分區英文, English name of the region where the survey site belongs to
Region_Mandarin, 所屬海域分區中文, Mandarin name of the region where the survey site belongs to
Latitude, 緯度, Latitude of the survey site
Longitude, 經度, Longitude of the survey site
This file includes 49 columns, the column name and its representatives are as follows:
Unit, 子樣區名稱, Name of the subunit, 子樣區命名原則 The naming convention: Site_DateOfSurvey_DepthCate_SerialNumber
Site, 樣點名稱, Name of the survey site, Refer to the file ReefCheckTaiwan_2009_2020_site.csv
Region, 所屬海域分區, Region where the survey site belongs to
Date, 調查日期, Date of Survey, Date format YYMMDD
Depth_cate, 調查深度區間類別, Category of the survey depth, “s” stands for a shallow reef (2-6m) and “d” stands for a deeper reef (6-12m)
HC, 硬珊瑚覆蓋率, Coverage of hard coral
SC, 軟珊瑚覆蓋率, Coverage of soft coral
RKC, 新死珊瑚覆蓋率, Coverage of recent killed coral
NIA, 營養鹽指標性藻類覆蓋率, Coverage of nutrient indicator algae
SP, 海綿覆蓋率, Coverage of sponge
RC, 岩石覆蓋率, Coverage of rock
RB, 碎石覆蓋率, Coverage of rubble
SD, 細沙覆蓋率, Coverage of sand
SI, 泥沙覆蓋率, Coverage of silt
OT, 其他底質生物覆蓋率, Coverage of other types of sessile organisms
Butterflyfish, 蝴蝶魚隻數, Number of butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae)
Haemulidae, 石鱸隻數, Number of grunts/sweetlips/margates (Haemulidae)
Snapper, 笛鯛隻數, Number of snapper (Lutjanidae)
BarramundiCod, 老鼠斑隻數, Number of barramundi cod (Chromileptes altivelis)
HumpheadWrasse, 蘇眉隻數, Number of humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus)
BumpheadParrotfish, 隆頭鸚哥隻數, Number of bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum)
Parrotfish, 鸚哥魚隻數, Number of parrotfish (Scaridae)
MoralEel, 裸胸鯙隻數, Number of moral eel (Muraenudae)
Grouper_XS, 體長不到30公分之石斑隻數, Number of body-length <30cm groupers (Serranidae)
Grouper_S, 體長30-40公分之石斑隻數, Number of body-length 30-40cm groupers (Serranidae)
Grouper_M, 體長40-50公分之石斑隻數, Number of body-length 40-50cm groupers (Serranidae)
Grouper_L, 體長50公分以上之石斑隻數, Number of body-length >50cm groupers (Serranidae)
Total_fish, 指標性魚類總數, Total number of indicator fishes
BandedCoralShrimp, 清潔蝦隻數, Number of banded coral shrimp (Stenopus hispidus)
Diadema, 魔鬼海膽隻數, Number of long-spined black sea urchin (Diadema spp. and Echinothrix diadema)
PencilUrchin, 鉛筆海膽隻數, Number of pencil urchin (Heterocentrotus mammilatus)
CollectorUrchin, 馬糞海膽隻數, Number of collector urchin (Tripneustes spp.)
SeaCucumber, 梅花參隻數, Number of prickly redfish (Thelenota ananas)
COTS, 棘冠海星隻數, Number of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci)
Triton, 大法螺隻數, Number of triton (Charonia tritonis)
Lobster, 龍蝦隻數, Number of lobster (Malacostraca)
GiantClam_XS, 殼長不到10公分之硨磲貝隻數, Number of shell-length <10cm giant clam (Tridacna spp.)
GiantClam_S, 殼長10-20公分之硨磲貝隻數, Number of shell-length 10-20cm giant clam (Tridacna spp.)
GiantClam_M, 殼長20-30公分之硨磲貝隻數, Number of shell-length 20-30cm giant clam (Tridacna spp.)
GiantClam_L, 殼長30-40公分之硨磲貝隻數, Number of shell-length 30-40cm giant clam (Tridacna spp.)
GiantClam_XL, 殼長40-50公分之硨磲貝隻數, Number of shell-length 40-50cm giant clam (Tridacna spp.)
GiantClam_XXL, 殼長50公分以上之硨磲貝隻數, Number of shell-length >50cm giant clam (Tridacna spp.)
Total_invert, 指標性底棲無脊椎動物總數, Total number of indicator invertebrates
Damage_boat, 船隻或船錨造成之珊瑚損害, Coral damage caused by boat or anchor
Damage_dynamite, 炸藥造成之珊瑚損害, Coral damage caused by dynamite or bomb
Damage_other, 其他原因造成之珊瑚損害, Coral damage caused by other reasons
Trash_fishery, 漁業活動來源之垃圾, trash that originated from fishery activities
Trash_general, 日常生活來源之垃圾, trash that originated from general living
Impact_level, 環境衝擊等級, The rated impact level that calculated from the number of coral damage and trash
參考資料 Reference
Hodgson, G., Hill, J., Kiene, W., Maun, L., Mihaly, J., Liebeler, J., Shuman, C., & Torres, R. (2006). Reef Check Instruction Manual: A Guide to Reef Check Coral Reef Monitoring. Reef Check Foundation, Pacific Palisades, California, USA.
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